Integrated Electronic Medical Record: One Software, Numerous Benefits
Health and medical emergencies have become one among the top priorities for people in the recent times.With technological development in the field of medical and surgical science, doctors and hospitals are able to provide new hope to the patients. This has increased the responsibilities and patient handling load of the hospitals, demanding them to go for effective and failsafe automated patient information record system. IntegratedElectronic Medical Record system or in short, IEMR is an answer to such a growing need for better, hassle-free and safe patient handling and health information management. IEMR is a broader term and it encompasses a myriad of aspects concerning patient health/medical information management . In this post, we will elaborate expansively on the various needs and their suitable remedies, which IEMR software has taken care of efficiently. Needs that led to the development of IEMR Standardisation for all Usage The evolution of IEMR software is deepl...