100% Safe,first rate,error free Prescription Writing Facility 70,000+ Records of Drug,Brand & Disease information of Indian,USA & UK Pharmacopeia Complete Drug Informations with Indications, Contra-Indications, Drug Safety, Dosage,substtutes,drug Group etc. Brand Information with trade name, manufacturer, dosage, substitutes, group name etc. Search Drug / Brand by name, Indication/ formulation, dosage, substitutes, group name etc. Add / Manage Drug, Brand or Disease database. Diseases Information & Diseases Treatment Tip. Drug safety alerts at individual Diseases level like in case of G6PD, PORPHYRIA, and HYPERTENSION etc. Drug restrictions warning / alerts for specified conditions like:-Pregnancy, Lactation, Elderly etc. Warning / alerts during treatment writing if you by mistake have chosen some anti-diabetic or anti-cancer brand while your patient is not suffering from either. Automatic Interaction / Adverse reaction warning / alerts while prescribi...