100% Safe,first rate,error free Prescription
Writing Facility
70,000+ Records of Drug,Brand & Disease information of Indian,USA & UK Pharmacopeia
Complete Drug Informations with Indications, Contra-Indications, Drug Safety, Dosage,substtutes,drug Group etc.
Brand Information with trade name, manufacturer, dosage, substitutes, group name etc.
Search Drug / Brand by name, Indication/ formulation, dosage, substitutes, group name etc.
Add / Manage Drug, Brand or Disease database.
Diseases Information & Diseases Treatment Tip.
Drug safety alerts at individual Diseases level like in case of G6PD, PORPHYRIA, and HYPERTENSION etc.
Drug restrictions warning / alerts for specified conditions like:-Pregnancy, Lactation, Elderly etc.
Warning / alerts during treatment writing if you by mistake have chosen some anti-diabetic or anti-cancer brand while your patient is not suffering from either.
Automatic Interaction / Adverse reaction warning / alerts while prescribing
Alternative medicines / Brand Substitute, Formulation of selected drugs
Automatic advised investigation for diagnosed diseases while prescribing.
Search patient record /details by name, Id, date of visit etc.
Automatic Patient History (Past / Personal / Family) Alerts & Security
Automatic Patient Allergy alerts
Value added features like: - Cardiac Risk Factor calculator (CHD), BMI Calculator and Child Growth Calculator
Appointment & Task management on Daily / Weekly / Monthly / Yearly basis
Stored Images or Capture / Scan new Images with Prescriptions.
Images Comparison facility of different time lines
Readymade Prescriptions / Templates
Hand outs – Educational / Disease / Diet Chart/ Exercises in English & Hindi Both.
Medical Certificates
User defined customized criteria on Plain or Print stationary
70,000+ Records of Drug,Brand & Disease information of Indian,USA & UK Pharmacopeia
Complete Drug Informations with Indications, Contra-Indications, Drug Safety, Dosage,substtutes,drug Group etc.
Brand Information with trade name, manufacturer, dosage, substitutes, group name etc.
Search Drug / Brand by name, Indication/ formulation, dosage, substitutes, group name etc.
Add / Manage Drug, Brand or Disease database.
Diseases Information & Diseases Treatment Tip.
Drug safety alerts at individual Diseases level like in case of G6PD, PORPHYRIA, and HYPERTENSION etc.
Drug restrictions warning / alerts for specified conditions like:-Pregnancy, Lactation, Elderly etc.
Warning / alerts during treatment writing if you by mistake have chosen some anti-diabetic or anti-cancer brand while your patient is not suffering from either.
Automatic Interaction / Adverse reaction warning / alerts while prescribing
Alternative medicines / Brand Substitute, Formulation of selected drugs
Automatic advised investigation for diagnosed diseases while prescribing.
Search patient record /details by name, Id, date of visit etc.
Automatic Patient History (Past / Personal / Family) Alerts & Security
Automatic Patient Allergy alerts
Value added features like: - Cardiac Risk Factor calculator (CHD), BMI Calculator and Child Growth Calculator
Appointment & Task management on Daily / Weekly / Monthly / Yearly basis
Stored Images or Capture / Scan new Images with Prescriptions.
Images Comparison facility of different time lines
Readymade Prescriptions / Templates
Hand outs – Educational / Disease / Diet Chart/ Exercises in English & Hindi Both.
Medical Certificates
User defined customized criteria on Plain or Print stationary
For more information pls access below:-
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CompuRx had developed software for doctors, which not only helped the doctors to write safe prescriptions, but also helped them in several aspects of their practice.
This intelligent software enables physicians to write out first rate, fool proof, 100% safe prescriptions like specialists without errors and thereby increase their efficiency.
SOFTWARE FEATURES -:https://lnkd.in/fxwUuzK
Download Demo -:https://lnkd.in/f5ARQR7
And we provide demos on phone calls also as per your convenience
You can directly call us on these numbers 011 29914368, 9990030044
Or you can message us here
Thanks & Regards
Team CompuRx