Prescription Pad ensures writing the Best Prescription in case of Disease in Combination

Disease in combination usually requires long-term medication. And, usually the doctors have to constantly monitor the interaction of one drug on the effectiveness of the other drug as well as affect on the disease. The issue is termed as chronic-multimorbid condition, where the patient suffers from more than two diseases. The matter of concern is that with growing age, the case of multimorbidity is gradually increasing. Hence the doctors treating such patients need to take in to a number of things in to account, which includes the treatment protocol for disease in combination.
All doctors take care of disease safety in their practice. The main aspect of treatment is writing the best prescription for the disease and when it comes to writing prescription s for diseases in combination, the practitioners have to be extra cautious. Diseasesafety prescription writing can be best assured through an automated prescription writing software.
Prescription Pad is one of such trusted and tested electronic medical writing software that takes care of disease in combination. The software has been developed keeping in mind the treatment protocol for diseases in combination. Whenever the details of the patient are entered who has been suffering from more than two diseases, the software intelligently suggest medications that do not interfere with the working of each other. Also, the software takes care of the previously taken medicines by the patients while prescribing new or fresh medications for other diseases.
The doctors are promoted with the disease highlights along with informative details specific to the category, type, treatment alert in special situations, treatment alert for disease in combination is observed. Here are a few key points of Prescription Pad.
  • Gives full information about the disease that include differential diagnosis and causes, disease related investigations and interpretations.
  • All possible investigations suggested for the diseases in consideration.
  • Option to find or locate specific treatment protocol for a disease from its indigenous database of diseases.
